Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Years Resolutions and Goals

2016 is almost here and that means new goals are set, and resolutions are made. It is a good idea to write down small goals each day to try to accomplish, as well as writing down bigger goals to achieve by the end of the year. I've never written down my resolutions, and I always ended up forgetting the resolution that I made. This year I decided to write down my goals, therefore I will remember them, and I will be able to look back at this post next year and see what I've fulfilled!


1. Exercise at least 2-3 times a week. 
Exercising isn't only good for toning your body, or losing weight, it's good for your health! 

 2. Get good grades in school, at least a 3.0.
I'm going to a new college, and I want to keep my gpa up and continue to do well.

3. Meet new people.
Since I'm transferring I'll have to put myself out there in order to meet new people and makes new friends. It's not the easiest for me, since I am a little shy but challenging myself to be more outgoing and get out there is going to be good for me.
4. Travel.
I've always loved traveling, and I hope I get to travel some more this year, and gain more experiences in another country or state.
5. Update my blog/ instagram frequently.
My blog, and instagram, and the people that support me mean the absolute world to me and I hope to grow my audience. I also hope to take more pictures and have a great experience with the people who believe in me.

6. Do some type of internship or experience with fashion.
I love fashion, and have always been interested in putting items together in order to make a great outfit. I hope to learn more about the fashion industry and learn the background of it all.


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